How I see The Hobbit poster | Comment je vois l’affiche du Hobbit

If like me you spend way too much time procrastinating on the internet, you may have seen one of the « what people think I do » meme. Here’s one example.

Si comme moi vous passez beaucoup de temps à procrastiner sur internet, vous avez sans doute déjà un de ces memes.


While everyone was swooning over Thorin, I couldn’t shake an image from my mind 🙂

How people see The Hobbit poster

Comment les gens voient l’affiche du Hobbit


How the Armitage Army see The Hobbit poster

Comment l’Armitage Army voit l’affiche du Hobbit


How I see The Hobbit poster Comment je vois l’affiche du Hobbit


How dessine-moi-un-mouton ( a fellow tumblerer ) see The Hobbit poster

Comment dessine-moi-un-mouton ( une compatriote de tumblr ) voit l’affiche du Hobbit


And you, how do you see it ? 🙂

Et vous, comment la voyez-vous ? 🙂

Hobbit Trailer #2!!!! And Gifs, ’cause that’s how I roll.

Hobbit Trailer #2!!!! And Gifs, ’cause that’s how I roll..

This is what made my day yesterday evening ! What beautiful gifs !

I’m getting really excited over this, and not only because of Richard. But I have to admit I had to rewatch the trailer several times because I couldn’t focus on anything but his voice. I know you felt it too, this electrifying feeling everytime you heard his voice, deep and lowered.

Can I have a pocket Armitage ? Isn’t he cute ? 😀


Richard Armitage characters : click and drag game

Un jeu sur les personnages de Richard Armitage : cliquez et faites glisser

Click and drag games are quite popular on Tumblr these days, so I’ve decided to make our own ! You need to click on the thumbnails so that the gifs will start moving, then click and drag 😉

Ce type de jeu est assez populaire sur Tumblr ces jours-ci,  j’ai donc décidé de faire le notre ! Vous devez cliquez sur les miniatures pour que les gifs bougents, et ensuite cliquez dessus et faites glisser 🙂

Here’s mine/voici le mien.

Best friend/Meilleur ami : Lucas North (…..ok…why not….)

First kiss/Premier baiser : Thorin Oakenshield (XD)

Drinking buddy/Copain de cuite : Lee Preston (I’m not even surprised !)

First boyfriend/Premier petit-ami : John Standring (it’s getting worse…)

Lost virginity to/ J’ai perdu ma virginité avec : Ricky Deeming

Enemy/ Ennemi : John Standring (looks like our relationship ended badly)

Married to/ Mariée à : Guy of Gisborne ( at last !)

Sleeping with / Couche avec : Harry Kennedy (vanilla sex it will be )

Cheated on you/ Cocufiée par : Paul Andrews

30 Day Richard Armitage Challenge : Day 29

Day 29. Your favorite personnal look : 2nd production video of the Hobbit

It wasn’t really difficult to choose one look since there isn’t that much to choose from. Richard is not a specialist of public appearances, he’s not the target of paparazzi – which is a good thing – but therefore we’re sorely lacking more “personnal” pictures. It’s certain that the clothes he wears for public events (interviews and ceremonies) aren’t his.

Why this one ? Leather jacket, beard, natural hair color, v neck t-shirt.

Ok, he’s a bit red in the face, but he’s smiling, he’s so normal looking, so natural, and seems so happy that I can’t resist him 🙂

Hey ma belle, grimpes, tu pourras me tresser les cheveux.  Reblogging because…. well, obviously, everybody would love to braid Thorin’s hair 😀 Je rebloggue parce que… et bien parce que, évidemment, tout le monde voudrait tresser les cheveux de Thorin 😀